Wednesday 29 May 2013

Average Salary in IT Sector | Salary Trend in IT Sector 2013

It has been expected out that the Indian companies will come out with an average salary hike of about 12% in coming fiscal year putting more emphasis and prominence on performance and linked pay packets, according to a global survey conducted by globalized consultancy worldwide. In fact, 2013 total remuneration survey revealed the fact that all industries have aimed an average salary rise of 12% across all domains and verticals.

The pharmaceutical domain determines to see the highest average pay hike of 12.5%. As per the report, till the companies continue to go for double digit increments, it seems to have a strong evaluation and attitude to contain costs heading to firms re-assaying their quantum. These findings and results are completely based on a survey of 734 organizations conducted across several sectors. Adding more, firms will be giving an average hike of 4% as a promotional increase in the coming fiscal and approximate 3% as a market correction or adjustment, at Median. According to the survey, about 72% of enterprises are planning to hire people in the coming year as compared to the rate of 84% during previous year.

Performance based results and pay hikes will be given importance in the appraisal cycle. In hi-tech and pharmaceutical domains, the variable bonus payout will be increased calculated as a percentage of annual guaranteed salary and is propositioned to around 20% for the year and during the entire cycle, the variable pay is predicted to rise to 23.50% and 26% for pharmaceutical and hi-tech verticals respectively. In today’s competent and technological environment, companies are highly moving towards employee remuneration away from a fixed pay strategy that entrusts more on variable compensation. Corporate attitude is slowly and gradually been positive, though waiting and adopting wait and see policy for better outcomes. As per our research conducted, firms are not looking and holding back on employees increments but are more likely to be selective and proactive in their approach.       

Aon Hewitt announced the results of annual salary average pay hike survey and reflecting the economic growth expectation of approximate 5%, the company addressed an average payout of 10.3% in the year. The talent and reward partner commented that despite the business sentiment is empowering and intensifying on account of inflation reaching a 3 year low and stock trading raising upwards, the careful line is the proof in the projected salary hike numbers.   

For Indian ITeS industry, the average salary rise has been outlined at around 10.1%. BSI bounds are addressing salary hike at around 10.2%. Other third party service providers posted an average rise of 8.9% on account of devaluing rupee, tough and critical global economic conditions and other cost pressures.
IB Technology is a leading and well known organization dealing in financial services, life sciences, real estate and construction and telecom verticals. Been a very employee friendly company, it is offering a good average salary pay hike to employees depending on the key talents and performance based results. In all, with shrinking and dwindling salary budgets, organizations at a wide scale are creating sharp discernments and differentiations in salary hikes between their talented resources and rest others. Over with time, the gap is widening and the main talents comprising hi-performers and potentials, and critical talents are projected to an extremely good average salary hike of about 15%. According to the reports, it is estimated out that the outsourcing and technology sectors have been amongst the most changeable and expansive and will be more cautious in the coming year. 

Monday 27 May 2013

Mobile Phone Industry in India 2013 - Growth, Advancement and Companies

Having a challenging, competent and quite uncertain period in few years, the IT industry is moving at a speedy and progressive pace, as said by the business tycoons of the technology hub. According to the recent study and information collected, Telecommunication industry in India is one of the fastest growing industries with a wide base of mobile phone subscribers ranging up to 812 million and increasing at a significant pace each year. India has the second largest telecom network in respect to number of wireless connections. In fact, it has been estimated that by year 2013, the industry will boom and will include more projections turning the figure of subscribers to around 1.16 billion. Such observations clearly indicate the wide array of opportunities lying there in the marketplace of mobile applications. Likely, the fondness for mobile apps of the end users is reaching the cloud nine with each passing day and as an outcome, demand for developers is increasing and is big.

One of the biggest application stores across the world, GetJar announced in accord to the latest reports and analysis, the global mobile industry is determined to reach around $17.5 billion in this year. The mobile apps downloads are expected to rise at approximate 92% rate every year, ranging from 7 billion to this much in just a short span of 4 years. With the increase in demand and use of mobile handsets and smartphones, the figures are quite adequate. The application economy is led by data subscriptions and by the end of each year around 5 billion new subscriptions gets added on a global scale. Out of them, 27% users are data subscribers actively using mobile websites and downloading applications. It is predicted that the data subscription number is going to rise by 45% in 3 years worldwide and that will for sure increase the app economy by 7 times.
The most popular and in-demand mobile app stores are Airtel (Pocket Applications, Applications- Central), Apple Store, Samsung store, Mobile9, Android market, Getjar and Ovi applications store at a global level. Though in India, the maximum focus of mobile application users to be downloaded are in the following domains mentioned below.

·         Social Networking
·         Business
·         Music
·         Games
·         Photos upload or personalization
·         Other Utilities

Few of the leading players catering in the mobile industry in India are as follows:

1.       Kanvonix Soft Solutions – Specialized in providing sound IT solutions, the company is a reckoned service provider of Java based mobile applications and offshore mobile applications, along with other web services. Equipped with high end technology expertise skilled in wireless technology and mobile development, the company is well known for its bulk WAP development and SMS services in the country.
2.       Motorola Solutions – Helping users across the world to rapidly deploy and affirm critical enterprise wide systems to fulfill the varied needs of both internal and external consumers, the company can help you with ASP (Application Service Provider) hosting solutions.
3.       IB Technology  – Been the heart of new and existing business models, the company provides cost effective and up to date mobility solutions for small and medium sized businesses. Dealing in social media and providing cloud computing solutions, the company proffers sound solutions for enterprises as well as consumers alike.
4.       Trimble – The company has a well known name for its huge series of reasonable and unique asset tracking solutions for application service providers and system integrators. In fact, it is one stop platform for delivering quick return on investment and opening up new opportunities by providing competitive pricing asset tracking.

Analytical Snapshot – Mobile Users in India

In last 3 years, the Indian mobile users have seen a tremendous growth in page view growth, unique user growth, data transferred per user and per page views, and mobile internet users. By about 245%, the mobile consumers grew till date. India is on its advancement and progressive curve in the mobile applications industry and still needs to grow and become popular for the application stores. The major reason for their decline is the lack of awareness in the country. Still, many of the consumers are not aware and been ignorant of the significance of the mobile application industry and with the increase in awareness and knowledge, there is no turning back for Indian mobile market to reach on the top.

Monday 20 May 2013

Telecom Solutions for Small Business Ideas

In today’s competitive domain, telecom has been emerging at a very exciting and interesting pace. People have now almost everything from simple phone lines to mobile cellular phones. At present with so many bundling choices and offerings available, customers have the flexibility and freedom to pick what they wish and how they use the devices. Irrespective of the customer usage, as an ISP it is mandate to affirm that every byte that travels across the network is actually accounted for it is intended to. This is one of the major reasons signifying importance of telecom billing solution. Billing systems have their own important roles to play in different forms of services on offer, irrespective of how much the process is simple or complex. Different arenas have different price range and all of them need to be billed properly. Adding more, when an end user moves operators and drivers and wish to retain their phone number, it throws up a new and big challenge in front of others. Some of the best telecom solutions for small to medium sized businesses to consider are as follows:

·         Virtual Numbers – You can actually control your landline number and can point it anywhere according to the location. And, you can point it even to your mobile while working in and out during day time and once you are back in the evening time easily. The number could be your local geographical number or multiple numbers to extend and amplify your reach appealing like a bigger company. Once you have to move, you don’t require changing your number in fact you can re-point it to new location.
·         Hosted Phone Systems – Simply get a broadband to plug-in at your handset and have your transmission to be hosted in the cloud ascertaining that you don’t require extra kit or phone line at your office. You can use any of the broadband even if you are away from house and in even overseas, you can plug your mobile in and use it anywhere and at any time. Along with this, you can make benefits of many other features that come in the form of standard with hosted telephony system.  
·         Business Broadband – With so many telecom services entrusting online platform it is must nowadays to get a strong and scalable broadband connection for any of the business. Do you know much about the wide array of data solutions specifically customized in accord to the business users? Beware of the false and fraudulent trap of buying cheap B grade domestic broadband plans with lesser reliability and high contention rates for your business. Always think of the best broadband plan suiting your product needs and for enhanced business performance and productivity. In general, FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet) plan is one of the perfect solutions for availing super duper fast internet connection for small and medium sized businesses.
·         Mobile Phones – Make sure to choose an independent and experienced mobile service provider that has the skills, expertise and knowledge to fully evaluate and has a clear idea on your mobile usage. It will assure that you will not only have the best possible assessment for your business prerequisites but also undoubtedly save your huge amount of money. Few tariffs include landline number along with the package and it is also possible to share data, texts and minutes between users if needed.
·         Complete Solutions – Whether you are an established business service provider or a new business start up, make sure to review on regular basis your telecommunications set up and network to fetch maximum services, products and values.

Above mentioned telecom solutions are must to consider and apply in any of the network. In a shell, playing a major role in today’s world, there are few leading names in the field including Sitronics, TSi group, Crown Telecom Solutions Ltd., IB Technology, and Accenture.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Business Process Management Strategy

Business Process Management

The internet provided a colossal amount of information on Business Process Management. However in this article, I would like to present a developer’s perspective towards it.

What is a Business Process Management?
A business process is a series of tasks or activities that combine to cater to a specific requirement for and individual or a company. Let’s take a basic example for explaining a Business process: A government organization outsources a lot of its work to small private organizations. For the same, multiple private organizations will give a proposal. The approval process follows a series of steps where multiple levels of government officials will judge different parameters of a proposal. A single proposal will have its own file and a lifetime that would include a series of approvals and rejections. Ultimately after many steps, one proposal will be selected.
The above mentioned example gives a basic idea of a business process. This will further help us analyze why and how can information technology help a process followed by a particular organization.

Business Process Management – The IT view
The business process mentioned above includes a series of human intervention steps. IT implementation for the process would require input from human entities as the steps would require their sound judgment and decisions.  Thus, a business process management (IT view) is a technology implementation of a series of steps and tasks in a business process involving intervention and judgment by human entities.
On the other hand, a business process that does not require human intervention may not require a BPM implementation. However, the use of BPM is left to the sole discretion of the entities involved in a project.
Business processes that are constantly evolving should use BPM as changing and maintaining processes becomes relatively easy. On the other hand business processes having no clear definition should avoid using BPM as a solution.

Why use BPM Tools/Framework?
A BPM tool/framework helps create a “WORKFLOW” that will implement a given business process. A tool/framework would create a flow-chart like structure that would define and logically separate different tasks of a process. The human entity that will provide input to a particular task can also be defined in a workflow. Further these workflows can be integrated with a windows/web application developed on ASP.NET/JAVA/Share Point to provide a front end.

The first question that comes to a developers mind is: “It’s a series of approvals from individuals. As I know the process, I don’t need to make a workflow using a BPM tool. I can make the application using a database and front end application framework.”

This is a very valid question and the answer to this is: A BPM tool does not do anything that a basic application without a BPM tool cannot do. The difference is how a BPM tool implements the same.
A big difference lies in the fact that a BPM tool makes development and testing of these complex applications very easy. A BPM tool reduces the effort of maintaining a database for the application. The BPM tool will create its own database and maintain it for your application. The tools will also provide an Application Programming Interface (API) for the front end application to interact with it and retrieve or update user specific data.

Another major reason why a BPM tool can be of help is that a workflow designed on a BPM tool can be easily evolved and modified. Imagine the amount of coding that would go into increasing an approval step for the above mentioned business process if a BPM tool is not used. Database changes, application changes etc. On the other hand a simple node would be added to the workflow and the modified process could be used.

From a developer’s perspective, one should be cautious about whether or not to use Business Process Management (BPM) for a particular application. A developer might find numerous instances where implementation of BPM may complicate a fairly simple application. On the other hand application involving complex business processes can be simplified to a great extent using BPM. 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Cloud Computing on Enterprise Computing Services

Enterprise computing services were originally introduced as a key step to boost employee productivity via using varied mobile platforms and devices including net books, tablets and smart phones. With the improvisation and advancement in mobile technology, the horizon of enterprise computing has been expanded and at present, it is used to showcase the inter connectivity and interactivity between end users across an organization, which let them easy access to the information from all over the enterprise across varied systems and platforms. Though, cloud computing is one of the driving and leading determinants for the enterprise computing heading into the vast arenas of enterprise mobility.     

The advent of a new technology usually leads to three possible directions i.e. a disruptive change, game change or a complementary change in the process. The game changing process changes the entire way of the procedure in which the existing system functions and operates. Such kind of change is instant, opening possibilities for new opportunities in the respective domain. On the other hand, a complementary change is a gradual kind of change, linked to the existing style of operation aiming to improvise the overall performance and efficiency of the business by recommending new synergies and alliances in several other business functions. In disruptive change of technology, the entire process of conducting business is changed and there is a complete annihilation of existing processes to alleviate a new and fresh way of doing things.  

Cloud computing seems to be concurrently disrupting, game changing and complementary to the existing global enterprise mobility marketplace, leading to advancement and occurrence of many more cloud based solutions by offshore software development firms located all across the world. In all, the large and huge scale deployment of cloud computing could really impact the periphery of existing enterprise mobility market enough capable to transform completely the market for future accomplishments. Similar to introduction of any other new technology, there are few risks associated with cloud computing too within an organizational framework including the risks and hazards that could be there to catalyze the mobile application development process and assist organizations to gain an edgy profit and improvise the overall compliance with both international and national data protection standards.

There would be many more such firms looking for the deployment of enterprise computing services. There are lots of extra features in which companies need to modernize and all of them are represented and implemented by different cloud service providers. With the help of such computing power, the organizations and firms are likely to be in the best of their effectuality and performance. These days, it has become easy to customize and tailor in accord to the level of the company. Although there are few limitations that lead enterprise computing to get adapt to ground level applications like customer relationship management. There are firms that have elaborated and perplexed applications providing competitive advantages but couldn’t be deployed on cloud’s flexible yet rigid platform. With the computing trend assistance, the firms and organizations become eventually cloud computing vendors and third parties.  Been like a released and emancipated innovation, cloud computing helps in eradicating completely organizational issues especially in terms of space problems, energy costs, up front and operational costs and other related issues. Offering a lot of positives, it can really change the panorama of business life. In a shell, been ready to turn the traditional business entirely and overall performance few of the leading market players in enterprise computing are IB Technology, Cognizant, Infosys, CSC, Birla Soft and TCS.  

Top Network Management Solutions Companies

We are living in such an era where effective and sound communication plays a pivotal role for all of us. Whether you carryout events or training sessions, conducting communication with attendees, registrants, members and partners is extremely vital and significant to assure the success of your events. In fact, opting for a comprehensive set of event management solutions, one can actually build an integrated and highly secure community marketplace to enhance communications between your alliances in the most effective and affordable way. A flexible, robust and scalable rich private community platform provides a large number of advantages to the administrators, event planners and organizers. Along with enabling end-users command the power to construct a private network, the community management is available with a wide range of useful features. Few of the basic features of a powerful community management system include the following network management services mentioned in below.  

·         User friendly and intuitive tools for enhancing interaction – Most of the event organizers and coordinators put emphasis only on getting new businesses involving past and existing members. Notably with time, regular interaction between members heads to a positive action bringing new leads. In addition promotion and marketing plays a major role in assuring the growth and progress of your event. In today’s challenging and moving world, social networking evolved as one of the most famous choices for event promoters to present their events and offerings. They will create the buzz for your events via personal blogging and networking websites and will for sure represent your offerings in a more effectual manner.

·         Online approach to access event session information – Giving event session material and information especially to the ones who are unable to attend the events is an outstanding way to entice them to take part in the upcoming events. To make it more simpler, event management people can share videos, photos and session handouts for the applicants to go through relevant documents and other peculiars.

·         Outstanding payment management services – Profit maximization and growth is always on top priority for event management individuals. To streamline and smoothly flow the process of payment management plays a crucial role in revenue generation. Availing an effective community management service, you can not only annihilate the troublesome payment hassles but also could support different payment gateways and keeps a track of registrations and payments efficiently at a single platform.

·         Complete access and control over attendees – Event administrators and organizers basically require having an access of the information at all times to spread their network. Handling a big database could be a little problematic so to lower down the administration loads, management companies integrate the features and solutions that assist in managing all the information smoothly.
·         Tailored solutions for a diverse array of industries – The private management firms render many benefits to diverse industries that need to manage registrants, members and attendees to increase interaction between them. Robust, scalable and flexible network management solutions allow firms to handle as many members as possible in the most efficient manner. From corporations to associations to educational institutes, to private community management firms provide a vast range of solutions efficiently.

In shell, owing to the varied advantages provided by pioneering leaders of network management services including IB Technology, Cognizant, Wipro, CSC, Birlasoft and TCS, many other organizations have also started catering to the specific needs of the clients worldwide. 

Network Management Services and Solutions

Management of all the factors related to a network is termed as Network Management. This definition stands true both for enterprise and service provider network. So whether it is security, topology mapping, monitoring, planning, or analysis of network performance,Network Management Services (NMS) take care of all. Nowadays, networks have become more dynamic and complex in nature. A company needs to build an ability to monitor every important development happening in a network at any given moment. This would help them identify data bottlenecks and address them on time. The need for these enterprises to model and plan networks for either change or expansion has also become important in current times. Keeping all these aspects in mind, it is essential for a company to choose their NMS prudently.

IT is the backbone of almost every industry these days. On realizing the significance of IT for better functioning of various industries, day-by-day the NMS are becoming more sophisticated and intelligent. So be it large or small, complex or simple, or a heterogeneous network, there are solutions to serve each of them. An army of network management hardware and software solution providers are waiting to serve you.

A company can expect the solution provider to develop a solution catering to its specific needs or can modify the existing solution to deal with the new challenges that its IT network faces on daily basis. However, a comprehensive, automated network diagnostic tool has always been in demand. A tool that can analyze wireless, VPN, VLAN, IP and VoIP problems can never be out of demand. A solution that handles call information, call performance, and network analysis, all at the same time, can be used for troubleshooting specific VoIP problems. For such customized solutions, a company may have to pay a premium but one should never treat it as expenditure but investment as such solutions have tremendous long-run benefits. 

The industry experts believe that a modification in Enterprise Network Management Solutions to suit the ways in which IP networks are used these days, is required. There is rapid emergence of real-time applications to serve critical needs of IT operations but in the due course putting immense pressure on them, making it difficult for organizations to keep up. To solve such issues, systems management vendors would require developing  fresh approaches and solutions.

Does all this mean that managing a packet network is more difficult than a circuit-switched one? The answer is not exactly more difficult but surely much different as it has its own set of challenges, which might not be easy due to the newness of their nature. Though for many years, packet networks have been managed successfully, the time has come to develop new management techniques, keeping currently challenges of an enterprise or industry in mind.

There is also a need to educate the network administrators about the need for these latest approaches and solutions.  Many of them won’t realize the need unless significant deployment problems crops up. They need to be pushed to change their views about network performance and approach towards its management.

Network Management Solutions are improving in leaps and bounds; more in creative new ways. Shifting from current, reactive support methods to an automated, customer-centric, proactive support approach allows an organization to detect problems at an early stage and thus would be in a better position to deal with problems at the root and save time, otherwise used to be spent on interacting with customers, in data collection and complex diagnostics. The end result would be utmost network performance and uptime.

Enterprise Application Integration

Enterprise Application Integration includes both hardware and software. A new form of computer applications, it covers collection of services and technologies. The computer application is used in varied functions like supply chain management, customer relationship management and maintenance of existing and new clients from all across the world. Helping to share business processes and business information altogether between computer applications, every organization finds the usage of them to integrate its front end and back-end communication interface. Henceforth it is mandate for organizations to use them for the smooth and efficient functioning of business enterprise. Being an integral part of every organizational need, the offerings are mentioned in below.

·         CRM (Customer Relationship Management) – The attribute lets people to maintain existing and new clients’ databases and taking follow-ups with other clients on the same at the same time.
·         Supply Chain Management – In respect to handle and manage inventory and shipping databases, EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) is needed.
·         HR Data – Software is needed to handle and manage internal communication, human resource data and health care data, which can not only help in database management but also reduce the duplicity and repetition of information.

EAI seems to be like the boon for the technological industry that has made possible management of business processes and information effectively in an independent environment. All it needs is to get connected to BUS. Due to enormous interdependency across varied systems, it is vital to make use of ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), which helps to link distinct independent systems together all across a huge single network. By far, this approach is considered as the best-in tactic in the new form of EAI.

In simple terms, EAI acts to merge data from different resources in order to fulfill organizational different meets. These days, no matter what is the status, data integration of a company is a well-defined and tested approach used and applied by every business group to manage properly all business resources. Such practices and actions become extremely important due to the presence of service providers and internet based marketers. The major advantages of EAI are data sharing and fast data delivery. Few of the other positives are mentioned in brief in below.

·         Removal of duplicate data entry
·         Removal of data gathering process
·         Less time incur in capturing information
·         Report preparation and printing
·         Real time data availability
·         Detailed description and clarification of all procedures
·         Improvement and extension in sales force automation
·         Improvised and enhanced product/service marketing
·         Lowering down time and capital for data entry
·         Higher customer satisfaction through top class services related to customer contact and customer data integration

The 3 major processes involved in the integration application process are data propagation, data federation and data consolidation. This kind of enterprise data integration is well-known as data processing systems capable of introducing and accessing collective databases. Providing real-time and relevant information on demand, such solutions include right kind of information at proper places such as data warehouses, data marts, and other consolidation repositories without any need to incur any manual effort on the same. Different software programs and communication tools are there to assure one time solution for the entire procedure. Usually, five kinds of levels are engaged in data integration procedure including collaboration tools, user interfaces, enterprise portals, enterprise applications integration level, business process management systems and enterprise information integration level.

In shell, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is highly important and essential for promising and progressive business processes based on scores and patterns of reckoned enterprise application solutions. Every advantageous and flourishing web companies relying on effectual business process strategy must go for Enterprise Application Integration in a fully fledged control condition.