Tuesday 17 September 2013

Real World Big Data Use Cases

What actually makes big data technologies including Hadoop and others so compelling and imperative are that they let enterprises and firms to figure out the answers of the questions they didn’t even know to ask for. It can result in deeper insights that drive to new product ideas and assist in identifying ways to improvise operational efficiencies. There is a wide range available in the number of already identified big data real world use cases for leading web giants like Google, LinkedIn, Facebook etc. Some of them are mentioned below in brief.

1.       Recommendation Engine – Online retailers and other web properties make use of Hadoop to suggest customer’s products and services based on the analysis of users profile and their behavioral data. There has been a vast usage of big data recommendation engine used by umpteen applications like LinkedIn empower its visitors by offering them “People you may know” feature and Amazon by suggesting related products for buy to online users.
2.       Sentiment Analysis – Mainly used in combination with Hadoop, and advanced text analytics tools determine the unstructured text of social networking and social media posts including tweets to evaluate the user sentiment detailed to specific companies, products and brands. The analysis starts from macro level sentiment down to the individual’s consumer sentiment.
3.       Risk Modeling – Banks, financial companies and others make use of next generation data warehouses and Hadoop to determine big volumes of transactional data to conclude risk and wide exposure of financial assets, prepare for targeted “what-if” scenarios completely based on counterfeit market behavior and score potential customers for risk.
4.       Fraud Detection – It is recommended to make use of real time use cases of big data techniques to blend historical and transactional data, customer behavior to detect any fraudulent activity. For example – credit card companies use big data technologies in order to identify transactional behavior that represents high likelihood especially in case of stolen cards.
5.       Marketing Campaign Analysis – Big data technologies allow marketing teams of companies to incorporate larger volumes of increasingly crude data such as call detail records and click stream data to raise the efficacy and preciseness of analysis.
6.       Customer churn analysis – Companies use big data technologies and Hadoop to determine the user behavior data to analyze the patterns that symbolize which customers are more likely to leave for a competent service or vendor. Actions would be taken further to prevent to retain the most profitable customers.
7.       Social Graph Analysis – In alliance with next generation data warehousing, social networking and Hadoop, data is mined to evaluate the customers that have the most likely influence over others inside social networks. The process helps firms to determine who the most important customers are, and those not purchase the products and spend much and more related to the same.
8.       Network Monitoring – Big data technologies are employed to analyze and showcase data collected from storage devices, servers and other IT hardware to let administrators to counsel network activity and identify bottlenecks.
9.       User Experience Analytics – Many enterprises use big data techniques to incorporate data from different user interaction channels like online chat, twitter, call centers etc. to gain a complete view of the user experience enabling companies to acknowledge the impact of one channel on another and optimize the entire user lifecycle experience.
10.   Research and Development – Companies including pharmaceutical sector make use of Hadoop and big data to go through huge volumes of text based research and historical data to help in the development of new products.

Above mentioned use cases are the samples and most compelling ones of big data. Though, many more have yet to be discovered and this is the promise of big data. Adding to it, the key players offering big data solutions are IB technology , Amazon, Datameer, Attivio, Zaponet and Microsoft and Caserta Concepts.

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