Monday 8 July 2013

Social Media Sites and Recommendation Engines

Over the last few months and years with time, social media websites have been increasingly getting popular and have impacted web masters and geeks in different ways. With the development, progress and ever growing success of websites including Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Digg and others, most of the developers and professionals have decided to use such websites to introduce and promote their business offerings including products and services. In general, it is simple and easy to develop your own portal, with the use of key coding techniques, libraries and manuals. If thinking and browsing to grab more information about few coding strategies to assist you remain productive and fruitful on social media websites for yourself as well as your customers, you can really find informative content on the same in the post.

Activity Drift

Since Facebook introduced the usage and importance of activity streams that could be customized on every user profile, the idea has gone and spread like anything else. It seems like people are damn interested and fascinated about reading their friends and work colleagues updates in their timelines here and then. Being familiar with each and every activity that friends and loved ones bring so much engagement, keeping up and holding clients to look at a specific web page for longer period of time is quite a benefit.    

Profiles, Authentication and Testimonies

The varied ways through which one can set up a user management system were introduced online and the procedure of picking one solely depends on the customer’s preferences. Would you think to create your own technique or use the existing one? Which language will you prefer to use? What is the degree of security and privacy that your web page will need and demand? There is only little stuff you can handle and adjust according to your preferences on social websites mentioned in below.

1.       Friends – Everyone whether your friend, loved one, special one, work colleague, peer, anyone who joins Facebook or Linkedin including other social media websites has the uttermost desire to become popular and viral instantly. One of the most effective and popular strategies used to become viral on such platforms is add a friend option that goes along with the user’s e-mail address book. On one hand, it helps one to get in touch and connect with your contacts that are already registered on such sites and on the other hand, it helps to entice and persuade other acquaintances to become members of those sites. Having clients promoting your products and services in such social media websites is one of the best forms of marketing and you can cherish and enjoy all such privileges at absolutely free of cost.

2.       Recommendation Engine – Showcasing big data recommendation engine and its related content is the ideal way to boost engagement and action on every web page. Social media sites, e-commerce portals and online sites such as Reddit, Amazon, Netflix, Digg have been great examples of recommendation engines since far and the blogs also provide a sheer idea of how effectively one can use recommendation engines and empower a firm’s overall performance level, recognition and reputation. If you can create an effectual, sound and useful recommendation engine for your web page, you will for sure fetch more number of clicks along with the higher engagement ratio.

3.       Messaging – Instant messaging is another solid and effective feature addressing to the needs and desires of people that must be possessed by all social media sites. By other means through which you can build and enhance communication among your friends, peers and followers, it would be better. Private messaging is a great way to keep your customers updated and keep coming at your web page again and again. One of the best things of messaging functionality is that it is built over different CMS scripts and many of the websites do not even grant the usage of them. Always try to maximize the use of this functionality and keep your clients happy so that they can still talk to each other.

Few companies are already taking advantage of big data recommendation engine technology and if you are not undergoing product recommendations, hopefully you don’t want to become extinct species. Try to move speedily and define your strategy for a new era for better outcomes.

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