Monday 12 August 2013

Market Research – Big Data

Recently in a market research conducted for big data solutions, it provided a detailed information and analysis on the concept. In big data, basically the data and information is studied, collected and construed by data specialists and experts. With the passing time, the accumulated data also increases. In fact, data used to double and triple each year. As technology soaks into becoming a significant and vital part of our day to day lives, researchers and scientists have created text analytics. It is a tech intricately designed to look for answers to very particular inquiries held in multiple databases all over the internet platform. Of course, as the information increases in amount, it demands a better and more efficient tool to handle and manage its trillions of gigabytes of data. And, this new technology that is applied for the same purpose is known as ‘Big Data’. The technology has tools and techniques that let the data agent to browse for solutions to queries in a vast collection of databases that are humongous in figures as well as too complex to determine in the traditional ways. Big data solutions can not only help in mining and drilling down the big chunks and bytes of data and analyze invaluable answers related to the same but also could examine the data written in multiple programming languages in different formats and posted in different sites.

Questions related to the big data mines and the sentiments of the users represented in varied forms including keywords that are entered in the leading search engines, social networks, applications used across the web irrespective of the fact from where it was, whether from a personal system or a tablet or a smart phone, it can actually delved into all letting the sentiment analysis to be done and completed. Remarkably, big data is booming and growing. It makes sense and adds beneficently to even unstructured data that is much easier and widely used to extract useful information. Most of the companies demand this and prepares other companies for the future and just because of this new tool; many other new opportunities have flourished and boomed. Big data firms demand people and users to know logics of data sciences, mathematics and even programming and manage the huge tech and make sure to keep themselves up to date according to the tasks. The new trends are the opportunities figured and examined by the analysis of the patterns found though big data and many other entrepreneurs are able to find which of the business they should venture into.
The leading firms dealing and handling bigger data sets are IB Technology , Wipro, Cognizant, R Systems, NetApp, Oracle and McKinsey. Last but not least, big data solutions make use of modern analytics software including customized data and predictive analytics to meet the purpose from which big data is created.

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